Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Olympic Sport?

The Sea Monkeys were not overly fond of watching the Olympics to start off with. The Rocket Scientist explained how cool the Olympics are and the significance they hold. The girls finally decided they liked them well enough. Ever since then, they have to race every chance they get. This always includes getting into the pre-running stance that always cracks me up. So the girls are racing to the wading pool, where they are planning to run and slide into it. That is until they see My Son's idea for a new Olympic sport. Do you think it could make it as an event?

Hey did you also notice what a bunch of "red necks" we are using the wading pool in our front yard? Yes, I'm sure our neighbors are happy with us. Especially after that show of high class. (We start on the back yard soon. I promise!)


Stacy said...

The joys of having more than one child! Since we only have one we are the ones that always get surprised and say ick!

Jen said...

They are all so cute and very creative. I think that should be the next sport, totally. I love their 'starting' position.

I have to ask, what is your son doing? It looks like he may be using the pool for something other than swimming!?! ;) Maybe I am wrong. Its just that stance that Hayden takes too.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! That is so funny. FUNNY FUNNY!

orangemily said...

Too funny!
Moira liked the diving and now her toys "dive" in to the toy box.

Karen said...

Jen- That is exactly what you think it is. I knew the day was coming, I just didn't expect to be suprised by it.

Rhea said...

I guess when you've got to go, you've got to go. lol

Your poor daughters. I don't think they're gonna wanna go swimming now.

I love their racing stances.

Thanks for your sweet words in my comments today!

Krista said...

Maybe he could get a job at the Belagio! I don't know what was funnier, his feat or the girls' reaction! Ha! They should have told him it was an Olympic Ool....please leave out the "P".

Anonymous said...

THAT'S MY BOY!!! I couldn't be prouder. We've recently learned that he actually excels in two future Olympic events...peeing for distance and synchronized peeing (I'd have to write about that on my own blog...if I had one).

-- The Rocket Scientist

Flea said...

Bwahahaha! I can't tell you how long it took to train my boys not to pee wherever they wanted in the yard. LOVE seeing them brought up short like that!

Wendy M said...

LOL! That's so funny!!!

As a side note, I remember watching the Olympics at your house as a child...probably the first time I'd ever watched them much.
