There is some junk in the air over here. The Rocket Scientist has Walking Pneumonia, the Sea Monkeys are coughing and stuffy and honestly, I am still not right. If there is a Health Fairy for our family, I'm thinking that she's vacationing in Bermuda.
So anyone out there have any home remedies they swear by when they or their kids get sick? What about prevention? You have something that works well? Please share......We are thinking of buying stock in in Kleenex.
The good, the bad, and the fascists
1 week ago
Very warm baths unless they have a fever. Otherwise, I just let them get sick as I hope it will build their immune systems as they age. You might try warm (or hot) water with lemon juice.
Sorry to hear y'all aren't feeling too great.
Aaarrgghhh. I don't know what is going on around here. Don't the sicks know they are supposed to be all cleared out of town by Feb.? So sorry.
Once upon a time I had remedies. This year has been really crappy for being sick, though, for just about everyone. It's been brutal.
Well wishes to you all! If I see that fairy, I'll shake her little butt all over my family then send her your way.
I could sure use a health fairy too. Goodness, lets hope this ends soon.
I've been coughing a month - you so have my sympathy!!!
Get Well Soon to you, the Rocket Scientist and the munchkins!
We have one of those industrial size things of sanitizing gel. I walk around our house squirting it into peoples hands!
I need remedies too! We've all been passing it around and it just won't die!
I just made the statement that I thought our family was a walking petri dish. I take that back. It would be yours. I'm so sorry. *hugs*
i diffuse theives essential oils. it's the bomb!!!!
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