Last week or was that a week and a half ago......anyway, driving to Carson City, NV, for my grandfather's funeral, we made many pit stops. At one point a family member we were traveling with threatened to put her 30 year old husband in Depends. Truthfully, it was those under the age of 8 that we stopped for the most. As we are rolling into the rest area at the Salt Flats, the little Jamaican looks around and asks with all the excitement of Christmas morning, "Are we in Mexico?" I have never been to Mexico, but this is not what I expect it to look like, but to the Little Jamaican, it might as well have been. This part of Interstate 80 is about the most boring stretch of road ever. That is unless you get out, walk around in the salt, taste it if you are one of my Sea Monkeys, which the Wild Child emphatically exclaimed, "It's just like real salt!", or desperately need a restroom and have just found one.
The good, the bad, and the fascists
1 week ago
Ah no fair! I want to taste the salt...I've been wanting to taste it just for kicks since forever. Nice photos by the way.
Gosh, that big plain of salt is just spectacular.
I never thought about tasting it. Leave it to a kids to figure that one out.
I think we stopped at the salt flats once, but I was so young that I don't really remember it and now I feel cheated. Those are some cool pics of your kids running about the desolate salty plains. . . and now I find myself wanting to make some clever comment about Lot's wife, but it just won't come to me.
Too funny! I bet it was a long drive if you had to make potty stops.
I think Mexico is known for it's restrooms and the fact that you have to pay for toilet paper from the old lady attending it. Did you spare a square for the Wild Child? (who's initials are WC, by the way, as in water closet)
Wow, life through a child's eyes!
The Salt Flats! How fun!! Very nearby where I grew up in Oklahoma there are some salt plains that look just like this! Often when I'm in the USA my dad and I will bring the horses out to plains and I pretend it's cowboy and indian days and we're the indians coming south for salt! I dont know if Mexico is known for it's salt, but I do know indian tribes from the north travelled to Oklahoma (obviously before it was OKLA) to gather salt to do their preserving!
Been thinking about you and wondering how things are going...
I love your photo board/collage! So cute!
Karen!?? No news is good news??
I thought I was the only one who couldn't keep up with my blog. We read the article in the news paper, it was really nice. Do you guys want to come this weekend for a BBQ? Friday or Saturday works for us. Let us know.
Hi! Just wondering if you ever figured out the answer to whether Mexico is known for it salt of restrooms? :)
As to the conversation in my most recent blog post: May not grow out of it? You do realize that most of that conversation happened between my husband and myself? :)
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