There are days I hear things from my children that I could never make up on my own. The Wild Child says something almost daily that cause me to quietly chuckle to myself. The world through her eyes is a much more interesting place, than the world through mine.
There was a day this past week that the quotable's were flying faster than I could write them down. (If I didn't write them down, they would be gone from memory in 24 hours.)
We have once again been invaded by earwigs. I would like to go on record that I HATE those things. EWWWW! I have been killing 100's a night. We have been using all kinds of methods to rid ourselves of these annoying creatures. I am happy to report as of last night I only killed 4 in the house. I still found one in the bed, but he was dead, so I can live with the progress made. The Sea Monkeys are not as afraid this year of the earwigs. In fact, they will kill earwigs themselves. Anyway, I digress, to get these little pests under control, a trip to my local IFA was in order. That store has a wide variety of solutions and potions to get rid of any pest that ails you. I tell the Sea Monkeys before entering the store that they must keep their hands to themselves because there would poisons and such. If you have spent anytime with children, you know they had to touch everything. Upon checking out, I ask the clerk if they had public restrooms so my children might wash their hands. She pointed me in the direction and we headed down the long hall way. I am thinking.....If we are here, we should all make a pit stop. I can only talk My Son and the Little Jamaican into such a thought. As I am headed out of a stall, I can hear the 1st One and the Wild Child discussing the vending machine in the women's bathroom. "What is it?" I hear the 1st One ponder. "Well, I know that one is a cigarette.", I hear the Wild Child explain, "But I don't know what that one is." Then I hear the 1st One ask, "Mom, what's a taaaaam.....what's a taaammmmmpooooon?" During our trip to this wonderland of woman's bathroom vending machines, a sales associate has come to use the facilities. She can no longer control her snickers and is full on cracking up behind her stall door.
Later, I have to go to Costco to pick up some prints of pictures my sweet SIL took for me. I tell my kids that we are going to pick up something kind of fun. I hear grumbling and displeasure from the back seats. Then above the murmuring I hear the Wild Child rant, "I know you are NOT going to buy anything fun! NOTHING! You're not buying a water slide or a swimming pool OR A UNICYCLE ARE YOU?" What??? A unicycle? When did Costco start selling those? Apparently we have different ideas of fun.
Finally it is time for the Rocket Scientist to come home from work. I love that time of day. I love to see his beautiful blue eyes and the way he makes sure to come kiss me when he walks in the door. I must say, this guy knows how to make his wife feel special. This day is no different. There were no comments from the peanut gallery. Huh? I should have known better. As I continued to work on the kitchen, the Rocket Scientist thought he would steal another kiss. This time the Sea Monkeys notice. "EEEEEWWWW," collectively. That is every parents right to scar their children with the knowledge that their parents kiss. But then.....the Wild Child pipes up with, "I know what kind of kiss that is! It's a China kiss!" Seriously, it was more than a peck, but it had no definitive nationality. Really!
So to sum it up here. They sell cigarettes in the women's bathrooms called taaaampoooons. Unicycles are the epitome of fun and China kissing has been observed. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?
The good, the bad, and the fascists
1 week ago
Oh Karen I love your family!!! I love the things that come out of our childrens mouths sometimes!!!
Oh Karen I love your family!! They are so wonderful!! I love it when my kids say crazy things too. It just makes the day complete.
Oh Karen I love your family!! They are so wonderful!! I love it when my kids say crazy things too. It just makes the day complete.
We always called the maxi pads "launching pads" and the tampons "rocket ships."
OK, so all kids say some funny stuff, but I am pretty sure yours say the coolest stuff ever.
you see...this doesn't surprise me too much, seeing that the taaaampoooons were what I thought were candy wrappers you guys would eat in the bathroom with out me when I was little. Then couldn't figure out why you wouldn't share the candy with me, and One of you 3finally said very peeved at me "ITS NOT CANDY!"
Karen, How romantic...! It made me smile to see the phrase you wrote of your hubby, "the way he makes sure to come kiss me when he walks in the door. I must say, this guy knows how to make his wife feel special". That's a man and his wife who have their priorities in order!
PS. My younger brother when he was 4 thought Tampons were bombs. He explained to my older sister, "look you pull this string to make it explode"! Oh the kids things say... I'm glad to see you blogging again!
this is just too funny.
Years ago when we took our kids to La Brea tar pits museum in L.A. our youngesat son was learning to read had just passed the well diagramed skeletal remains of a Dire Wolfs and asked in a very loud voice... what's a "penn..iss" bone. There were lots of snickers from the folks nearby.
You could have told your kids tampons are those little firecracker things that I brought on the 4th! Without the sprinkles! I'll be sure to make more!
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