That post-op appointment I was so dreading, is finally over. You know the one. I arrive on time and so of course, this means that the doctor is running behind. I am almost having a panic attack because I know I have to meet with this doctor to go over lab results and what the next steps are for the insanity that I have decided to undertake. Minutes tick by and I have to remind myself to breathe. Oh the stress. Finally, his cute little nurse comes to get me. For once I don't mind stepping on the scale. It is at least something to take my mind off of what can only be the second most embarrassing moments of my life. We get back to the exam room, she takes my vitals and asks why I am so nervous. I look her in the eye and ask, "Did you hear what I called Him?" She looks confused for a minute and then starts to laugh.
"So you are the one who gave him that name." She's still laughing.
After about half a second the doctor walks in. I can't even bring myself to look up. Then he says something and I am required to make eye contact or be rude. The man is chuckling. He says to me, "You know, I have a funny job. Just the nature of what I do can be funny. But that is the funniest thing I have ever heard."
Turns out the hospital staff now call him VW. He thinks the new name has elevated him to a new level of respect. He's writing a book and using the name. "The Whisperer, Tales of a Utah Gynecologist." When you see it hit the book stands, you will know who he is.
So, ya, all that and I have decided that I may try some infertility treatments to continue the torture. Somebody, please tell me......what am I thinking?
The good, the bad, and the fascists
3 days ago
I'm glad that he has a good sense of humor. That makes for a better doctor. If yous start the infertility treatments let me give you one warning (or really the RS a waning!) they can make you VERY moody! Good luck!
Wow, you inspired the title of a book!
That's awesome :) I still love that story...
I can't tell you what you are thinking but I understand that you just have to try.
You need to know that you are might bright star. You seriously crack me! I am so glad you shared that story. I will be laughing all night. I admire your sense of humor and when I grow up I want to be like you!!!
Okay, I'm laughing...I sincerely hope that is okay...b/c really I am laughing. Not at you...well maybe a little.
I remember that story. I think that story is what got me reading your blog in the first place.
Personally, I thought having my OBGYN as also a member of my ward in Utah was weird. But sheesh...your experience, well that just tops them all!
I was wondering how that appointment will go. That post of you had me in hysterics for days. And a book now - the legend lives on. Brave girl!
I would have wanted to crawl under the exam table. But at least he is laughing about it. Who know one day when his book is on the Best Seller list and they interview him. He'll say Karen gave me the nickname VW!
Screwed up Texan- thank goodness he's not in my ward. YIKES. Thought I am told there is a very good one in my ward.
Carrie- I told him if he ever mentions my name in conjunction with that book, I would sue him for slander.
So this is where "I will Survive" came from. I had Ali and Sam (16 year olds) in my car when Britney Spears song "Circus" came on. So I was singing "Just like a cervix" instead. Sam said she will never think of that song the same.
Krista, darling, I think your rendition of that song is perfect. Let's send a copy to Dr. VW. He might add it to his book.
Your right though, I never thought about it. I'm sure that were that song came from, that won't leave my head.
Yes, despite your embarrassment I knew that your doctor would only feel proud of his new title. After all, that is quite the title.
Ohhh, I am so excited, nervous, giddy for you with your infertility treatments. My older sister tried a bunch of crazy different things and I know that it can be tremendously roller-coastery on your emotions, but here is to hoping for the one most exciting and worth it outcome!!!!
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