The other morning while I was straightening the Wild Child's hair, I notice that she continually is admiring herself in the mirror. I reflect back to when she was a baby and people would stop me and tell me she was the most beautiful baby they had ever seen. In fact her dad, the Rocket Scientist, has mentioned from time to time that her beautiful china doll face never leads one to believe how calculating and feral she really is. Suddenly the Wild Child makes eye contact with me in the mirror and says, "Mom, it looks like I am made in China.."

When we load in the mini-van to take the kids anywhere, I holler, "Seat belt check." If the Sea Monkeys have their seat belts on, they holler back, "CHECK." This has been working really well, since then I don't have to question them one-by-one to see who has their seat belts on and who we are waiting for. Yesterday morning, I forget to yell "Seat belt check." The Little Jamaican was not having a change in the routine. She starts yelling, "Check!", from the back of the mini-van and continues to yell it at me until I acknowledge that she has her seat belt on AND say, "Seat belt check." This is when I realize that the 1st One is growing up. "Little Jamaican, the seat belt check is getting really old.", I hear her say. She speaks of it as if it is a catch phrase uttered way past it's time. Next thing you know, I will be embarrassing her with out trying. Oh.....wait, I already do that. She was mortified when I forgot to put on a certain piece of support wear to drive her to school last week. She told me to zip up my coat so no would notice. She kept reminding me that I didn't need to get out of the car. Like I wanted to....It was 24 F.
The Little Jamaican wanted to go out and jump on the trampoline. I am fine with that, I just wanted her to put some clothes on since she was wearing her a "cheerleader" skirt and shirt. When I reminded her she needed on something more than she was wearing, she responded with, "HEEELLLLLOOOOO, Why do you think I am wearing this?" Ya, I'm not sure this is the tone I want to hear from my 5 year old. "Heeellllooooo, it's below freezing out there. Put on your snow pants and a coat." Oh, wait, that isn't actually teaching her to speak respectfully. "Hey, I was thinking that maybe you would put on your snow pants and a coat."

In the past few months, we discovered that My Son has some permanent hearing loss. It is suspect that it is congenital. Strangely, this bit of information brought a thrill of excitement around here. Truly a blessing to find something that, when corrected, would make a huge difference for him. The day he got his hearing aids, his voice level was half as loud. You could see that he was hearing some things for the first time. There was much joy and celebration in our home. The only down side to all of that is.......he is a little boy.......which in this case, translates to one of them is already missing. At $1250.00 a piece used, they are not easy or economical to replace. We have torn the house apart looking for it, scoured the school, harrassed the local library and friends, and actually cleaned out the dumpster on wheels (a.k.a. mini-van). Amazing how in a short period of time there are so many variables of where that missing hearing aid could be. Anyway, if you all wouldn't mind, say a little prayer for the wayward hearing aide to show up. Thank you.
Oh I love everything your sassy girls ever say. And, I am so happy about your son! How nice to KNOW something that he has exactly been needing! I just paused this minute and sent a prayer up for you guys to have one of those little tender mercies by finding the missing hearing aid. That price makes me wince.
Oh my-- I will certainly say a little prayer. You'd think they were gold and encrusted in diamonds at that price. Love the girls'comments and the randomness of this post :-)
Ha! LOVE LOVE LOVE the Dumpster on Wheels phrase. I am TOTALLY going to steal that from you! I feel your pain.
My middle child was given an eyeglass prescription. The glasses cost us almost $200 out of pocket. Being the little boy that he is it was lost within a week. Two months later we found it in three different pieces. Argh!
I will say a prayer for you!
Life at your house is never dull! I love it!
Good luck finding the hearing aid!
that is funny!! and I think I will try the seat check thing!!!
Too funny! Your girls not the missing hearing aide. I can never understand how my cousins can scold their childredn without laughing. Cause I can't keep a straight face just listening.
Oh I will say the prayer. We have twice lost Little man L's glasses. My word, what stress.
I say "Helllloooooo" a lot to. But I usually don't always remember to say the "oooo's" on the end. So glad the hearing aid was found!
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