Do you remember
this? As you can see, the Wild Child's leg has healed quite nicely. The real trouble here is is that in order for her to let me take care of her, she made me promise to not take the bandage off without her permission. I am a mom of my word, so I would only remove the part of the bandage that she would let me. This means, if the bandage was still attached to hair, I was not allowed to remove it. So I cut as much off as she would let me and prayed that the rest would fall off, soon. I even instigated many long showers with lots of lotion after and that darn thing kept holding on.

Fortunately, her dad did not make the same deal with her as I did. The Rocket Scientist decided ten days of this was all he could take of looking at the lovely remaining bandage. So Thursday night, he ripped that thing off. She wailed and cried like a hungry newborn. Truth be told, not much of it was still even stuck to her leg. Though there was one little part that took some of her leg hair, which apparently warranted 15 minutes of said crying to punish the man with the audacity to remove her trendy accessory.
I'm glad she is better and I know how bad that hurts to have a bandage pulled off! I think I would have made that deal with her too! At least it's off now and wasn't too painful!!
What fun! Isn't it funny how they get attached to the silliest things? Wait - Wild Child's not the one with the pumpkin, is she?
That poor little girl her daddy is so mean to her. I'm rolling my eyes! :)
Has the sod been put down yet?
Men just don't get fashion.
I wonder how long it would have taken to come off on it's own, ewww.
Yes, she's the one with the pumpkin.
I torture her mercilessly when I get the opportunity.
The sod is laid and we had 1 1/2 pallets the landscaper bought back off us.
-- The Rocket Scientist
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