I am listening to the 1st One say her prayers when I hear her say, "And please bless that (insert Wild Child's name here) won't wake up in the middle of the night and start kissing her socks." Oh how I love little girl crushes. They are just so cute. Now, if I can just keep them having crushes on fictitious characters, I will be in business.
2 days ago
agreed!!! I wish Ali didn't get crushes on boys in her classes. She actually scared one off really well. He wouldn't talk to her after she told him that she liked him.
Oh yes, I agree. Fictatious crushes are so much safer than real ones. And so cute too! I myself have a crush on George Cluny but don't tell H!
Okay Karen - it's your turn! You left a comment on the "Interview Me" blog and while you didn't exactly say those words, I"m dying to read your answers!
The rules:
1. Leave me a comment on the “Interview Me” blog. (done!)
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions. (here they are!)
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions. Be sure you link back to the original post. (http://antiquesdiva.blogspot.com/2009/03/swisstory-interviews-antiques-diva-do.html)
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Let’s go! Here are YOUR QUESTIONS!
- If you could LIVE any place in the world where would it be and why?
- Describe your perfect day.
- If you could only live with one accessory for the rest of your life, which would it be and why? Only one item!
- Why do you blog and which blog/s inspire you most?
- And this is a corny question, but if you had to choose a flavor of ice cream that most fits your personality, what kind do you think you would you be? Feel free to make one up if necessary.
I can't wait to read your answers!
Best Regards,
Who's Troy? I have a boy. He like dogs better than girls!
I can't help but think that life with a Wild one will bring a lot of fuel to your blog! I want to thank you for your comment that you left today. I appreciate the encouragement. I hope you'll visit regularly and leave your thoughts about what I've written so others can enjoy it, too. Thanks again! Holly
I'm not up boys little girls have crushes on...who is he?
oh that is just too cute!
So cute!
Oh I burst out laughing when i read that. I wasn't expecting quite such a cool prayer.
Bwahahaha!!! I never thought of the dangers of waking up in the night to kiss socks. That could be awkward for all concerned.
Awh! I remember when I used to sleep with my boyfriend's shirt under my pillow...
On the other hand, my friend in high school actually ironed onto her pillowcase a scanned photo of her honey to her while he was on a mission. She wanted to dream of him at night. I laughed my head off...then they got married and now I think it is so romantic...
Merciful heavens. They manage to grow up and crush on real boys. Quite scary. Maybelline started out with Orlando Bloom and moved to Stephen from her Algebra class. Ack!
I don't know much about Troy. lol but you children are very cute!
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