Tonight we went out for ice cream cones at McD's as a family. Now this particular location is the nicest I have ever been in and has service that out does most other restaurants in the area. As we are sitting there in the dining area eating our ice cream cones, Fox News is going on all the TV's. There is coverage on Obama's comments to Iran; there are comments on school children singing praises to Obama; and lots and lots of other Obama stuff from the panel of commentators they have on. I think my children are not even paying attention. Then I hear the Wild Child say, "Hey, I think that was President Obama." Wondering what she was thinking relative to that, I asked her what she thought about President Obama. Her very certain reply, "Obama is just like Satan." "What? Why would you say that Wild Child?" I ask as I look around to see who might have overheard her. The 1st One chimes in with, "Well, he tells lies." Huh..... Now I am thinking, "Have I ever lead them to believe that I think our president is less than honorable?" I was clear during the elections that I was not in favor of either canidate. That I was not certain of their sincerity or their integrity. When he was going to speak to the school children, I told my children that we would discuss whatever the President had to say when they came home since I was not sure of what he would say. I did not know if he would say something contrary to what we believe or not. (Their school opted to not show the brodcast so it ended up being a non-issue.) All that into consideration, I am not sure I would have jumped to the conclusion that "Obama is just like Satan.", though I may have jumped to the "Well, he tells lies." It really makes me wish there was more honesty in politics. I wish that we did not have to question everything that our politicians say, that we could trust whatever came out of Washington, our states, counties, and cities.
Anyway, I think it is safe to say that I have minority children who are not in favor of the current administration. I will have to ask some more questions soon to see how they came to these conclusions and why they feel the way they do. It will be interesting to hear what they have to say.
2 days ago
I too wish there was honesty. Your kids may be on to something!
I am a liberal living in semi-rural baptist country! Our congressman had a town meeting where he said all the same stuff you hear again and again on the tv. Then he said he never even read the bill. I was shocked to know he is voting on my behave without reading the bill but has many strong opinions on it. I believe you have to educate yourself and come up with your own opinions to have a true view.
I think young kids (my son included) repeat many things they hear. They are not old enough to understand and figure it out for themselves (unlike my congressman!). I think the best thing that we can do for our children is to teach them to educate themselves on a subject before speaking and make up their own mind. Of course this depends on age level but it is a wonderful skill that will serve them forever!
I love your kids because they are never one bit just like, "hmm, whatever." they are all full of spice and opinions and things to say . . . they are those wildly strong last days spirits who perhaps once in awhile are not the easiest to raise (because they like to do things like draw on minivans), but who are the leaders of the rest of us down the road.
See, I don't trust any side...I don't like talking politics in general but my feeling is that they're all doing favors for each other on the side and that is why they "don't have time" to read bills. I also think most of them have elitist mentalities. Perhaps I am wrong, but until someone disproves me, that is my story.
Now, I am going to have ask my sons what they think...I never though to ask them before.
Hmm - they pick up things everywhere. Off course we have a very controversial president and at all of 4 years ,y "lil miss told me that :"Zuma is a crook - he has 4 wives"
I think it's safe to say that anyone in politics lies. Unfortunately. Out of the mouth of babes...
This left me speechless. Laughing, but speechless.
This left me speechless. Laughing, but speechless.
My kids seem to pick up all sorts of stuff from school. Not the teachers necessarily, but from their friends. Remind me to tell you what Mica came home saying last year during the election. It was frightening, and made me wonder what kind of parents my kids friends have? We try to keep things very neutral when we talk politics mostly so Mica doesn't go to school and tell the kids things, and their parents wonder what kind of parents their kids friends have.
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