Disclaimer: All right, all right. I know it has been a long time. I thought I could blog about the whole infertility thing. Turns out, it bores me to blog about it. (Not to mention, zaps my creative energy.) The topic still interests me and if I happen to figure it out, you all will be some of the first to know. With that out of the way.....
What I am wanting to know is........when you tell your spouse you have been thinking, does it mean work for them? (Please say yes. I would really hate to be alone on this one.) It seems that every time I speak to the RS lately, "I've been thinking" comes flying out of my mouth. Which roughly translates to I just doubled your "honey do list." I feel a certain amount of guilt over this. Nobody wants a list a mile long, but friends, we have been in this house now almost 4 years. I am ready to finish moving in. What you say?.....still not moved in. For my fellow parent's out there who have seen Disney Pixar's "The Incredibles" a bazillion times, it is kind of like where Helen calls Bob at work and tells him, they have finally moved in, because she has finally unpacked the last box. Even though they have been the house for some time. I feel that way or I mean, I want to feel that way. I am so ready for everything to be put away. Boxes emptied. Everything with a place and in it. Of course, putting things away, requires some painting and hanging and building and moving of pianos and climbing very tall ladders for this week. Next week will probably include a trip to Ikea and some assembling and moving of things and lifting heavy things and hanging some things.
Now is the time for you to come clean. Do you torture the one you love with a list that would make even you shudder? Please tell me that I am not alone.
Until I make here again.......Karen
2 days ago
LOL!! I think the honey do list comes with the house. It is never ending. In fact I dont think you can even get close to the end, EVER! I have to say we are thinking along the same lines today. We have lived in our house for nearly 6 years and today I hung our first thing on the wall! I hung our family pictures (taken just over a year ago, I might add!) in a nice pattern with an assortment of frames all in black with one of those cute stick on the wall sayings. Now obviously I have been planning that for some time because I could never have made something so creative one or even two weeks after moving in. It takes years to watch all those decorating shows and read interior design mags to get that look. So I am not ashamed of waiting. This kind of taste takes years to cultivate. So if you are still wondering if you should feel guilty about making the RS spend his free time making the house look good then, you will just have to get over it. Cause looking that good takes lots of hard work and planning. Don't feel guilty about the lists. If it wasn't the house then there would surly be other things on it! It is the natural order of things!
Oh bless your little heart. I love that totally unexpectedly you are here in bloggersville again. Whether you last or not, it is a pleasure to have you. AND, may I say what a lovely tool googlereader is! Most of my sisters and nieces only blog on the rare rare occasion and it always makes me happy that even if it's been a year I can know they have updated!
As for the house. Ay yi yi. We truly still have half our walls spackled and not painted. It's been almost 2 years now. Our garage still can't hold a vehicle it is such a mess! And yes, I am forever thinking of things for Mike to do. I think it is just in our nature to constantly be figuring and juggling and seeing all that needs done and when we realize we can't possibly do it all, then we just conveniently add it to our spouses list.
Here's to hoping the RS gets lots marked off his list this weekend!
Oh Karen, it is so great to "see" you again. I have really missed you.
I do not torture him, because then he tortures me with everything which I have to do... which is a lot too!
I really had major nesting this last pregnancy. My poor husband probably thought the "projects" would never cease, but we got all the rooms in order just in time for the baby.
My "I've been thinking...." usually consists of spending money. Tell RS he should be thankful. Last time I asked my husband to hang something there was yelling and spewing of swear words as he did it. So I will just tell him right before I leave to go shopping when I want something done. :)
ha ha I love your pics havent visited in awhile. I have a honey dont list which are things I think he should do but I know he wont so I either pine and be bitter about them, smile and wink at someone capable or hire someone to do it which is much easier now than it used to be. But proud of your emptied boxes I am so the same way. it seems like it takes forever to get around to stuff.
Your kids are looking great!!!
Total opposite at our house. My husband and his "I think there are better schooling options for our kids" is causing me TONS more work!!!!!
For the most part I do the honey do list when it comes to the house. There are some things I can't do, but with TNT so busy I know I have to do it. I just feel guilty after he works on the tool trailer all day then works on the farm most of the evening I will just do it if I can that is. We do need to fix up the big bathroom, but we'll get to it hopefully before our tenth anniversary. lol
I don't dare torture my Hubby with any lists. I'm too busy being mean and naggy and so a list might just put him over the edge ;-)
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