The Rocket Scientist's cousin sent me a link to this today. It was so crazy to me, I had to share with you. Part me says, "I would love to try it." The rational part of me says, "Ummmm, ya, I don't think so." Either way, worth the few minutes to watch.
wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.
2 days ago
AAAAAHHHH!! It's the "it got boring so we decided to play around" part that made me nervous.
I used to want to do brave exciting things, now I just think, "WHAAAATT??"
Ummm. NO WAY. I got sick just watching. Uh uh.
I hear if you don't wake up before you hit the bottom you'll die. Why don't they ever show them going "splat"? (wrong, I know) That is just WAY too much adventure for me! It's not that I'm afraid of heights, I'm afraid of falling. If I wait a couple of years I won't need a wing suit, I can just hold my arms out!
ok...I have had so many dreams of flying...and I'm afraid of heights. That is insane, and you're right, it does look like fun, but my brain overrides too and says "Uh...No...You're gonna choke, and if you choke up there, you're done!"
Not on your life! Uh uh! No way! No how! Why is there nothing that shows them landing???? I will stick with my wanting to Scuba Dive and leave it at that!
I don't see myself ever doing something like that. I'm such a pansy when it comes to "adventure" stuff. You're talking to someone who got sick on a county fair ride.
I think in my other or next life that will look like fun.
I call it an adventure when I get up on the ladder to scrape paint off the trim. I like my version better!
uhhhhh....NO THANKS
That's crazy!
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