You ever have one of "those" days? Well I have had the scatter-brained-half-sister of "one of those days."
You see, a week ago yesterday my keys went missing. Of course, the Rocket Scientist has a back up pair, but that can be problematic too. For instance like today, when the weather is snowing in buckets and he car pooled out to his job in the middle of nowhere with the spare set. Yep, that is a problem. Since my kids go to a charter school, and I have so many, car pooling isn't an option. This means that all four Sea Monkeys are here all day long. I had the privilege of calling the school and explaining why my children wouldn't be there. I am certain this will win me the "Mother of the Year" award.
Now, in regards to these missing keys: My friend Wendy offered to send over a metal detector to see if we could locate this jangling icon of freedom. I have contemplated taking her up on it. We do have a place to hang our keys when you walk in. I almost always hang mine there. This is a great plan for putting things in the same place all the time. Well, that is until My Son and the Wild Child grew tall enough to reach the keys. I have found keys in all sorts of places. The bathroom drawer, in the ignition of my van (fortunately that was the house key), hiding in the living room under some pillows with half of my missing chewing gum, or the time I found them in someone's underwear drawer. This, by all means, is not an all inclusive list, just some of the most recent. Truth be told, it could be all me. I may have been so distracted with all that was going on that day, I may have misplaced them all by myself this time. Anyway, wish me luck.......I am going to need it today.
Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyssss, where are you? Still looking.
2 days ago
My hubby lost his wallet, also all by himself, on Saturday. He has this stupid little habit of hiding the freeking thing - from who, I may ask? He had to search and found it at 1:30 on Sunday morning, causing him to loose all his Valentines brownie points and any possible hanky panky as I had to help him search.
I hate loosing things. It makes me crazy. I hope that they show up soon.
Oh Cat....that is too funny! I'm glad he found his wallet. My keys are still missing. I'm going to call the Dr.'s office and see if by chance I left them there or at the lab. I may be to that point I just accept the fact thay are gone and get a new set made.
That sucks! Did you look in the refrigerator?
I hope those things turn up soon, I'd hate to have you call the school again tomorrow.
Good luck!
Did you offer the kids $5 if they find them? Or some chewing gum? Incentives. Did you tell yourself you can have some chocolates if you find them?
Ohh.. I like bribing the kids. That may work!
I was once late for work, still had to take kids to daycare, and in desparation fell to the ground to cry... when I looked up, I found them dangling from the sliding glass door handle.
Another time, keys missing, late for work again, I offered them $1 to who ever could find them, and a kid pipe right up with "I know where they are." Then, went out to the back yard, where they were in the grass.
Many years ago my missing keys were fund in a 50 pound bag of kidney beans. I wonder which toddler placed them in that place.
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