If you have children or spend anytime around children, you know that you hear things. Things you wouldn't necessarily hear from an adult.
I had given the Wild Child and the 1st One new pencils with Strawberry Shortcake on them to put in their back-packs for school tomorrow. The girls were climbing the stairs to put their jammies on when I hear the 1st One say to the Wild Child, "I have great-great-great-great news!! These are from CHINA! Look it says, Made in China." Yes, that is what she said. The Wild Child responses after such a declaration, was complete indifference.
The good, the bad, and the fascists
3 days ago
Ohh, my kids have so often been AMAZED when they see something was "made in China" I haven't had the heart to tell them that pretty much evferything is made in China!
That's too cute!! Hope you had a great weekend!
It really is the simple things, is it not?
I dunno, let's hope they don't chew on the pencils made in China. After all those toy recalls Rich wants to avoid things made in China, I told him there's no way to do it, lol!
Sorry - very late comment - Blame it on IKE!
But with all the hubbub about products from China I have always wondered about pencils. You have to use them in school and guess what they contain? Lead! I remember as a kid we would suck on them and turn our tongues silver or try to stab our hand with them. So what about pencils, made in China or not they still contain lead and our kids use them everyday.
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