The Rocket Scientist has managed to come down with some sort of ick. Something along the lines of Strep in the opinion of his doctor. Now a lot of men are big babies when they get sick. There are others who think they are super-heroes that wouldn't tell you or complain if they actually coughed up one of their lungs. My sweet RS doesn't really fall into either camp. He would rather give me all the gory details. Uhg......sick.......I just don't need to know these things. It's enough for me to know that you are sick and will need a little babying. I don't need descriptive explanations of why your sinuses hurt or why you throat feels like it's going bleed. I just really don't need those images in my head.
So, I would love to know, how are the men in your lives when they get sick? Please share. Maybe that way I won't mind the blow by blow of the RS's Strep.
Moving Back into Routine
4 days ago
I'm the complainer and Rich is the strong silent type. If I he's talking about it, it must be bad. He figures talking about it isn't going to help. I figure if he knows all I'm going through he can fully understand my suffering, lol!
Mine's a big baby. Totally helpless. Pathetic!
I have to say that our roles are reversed when we're sick. I'm the whiney complainer (like men are accused of being) and my husband sucks it up like a man. He never says a word.
My baby is sick at my house this week. And he's well, being a baby about it. But hey, you can't blame him, he is after all only a baby. and he's crying again now so I guess his fever must be back up. poor thing!
My husband is a huge baby. "Can you make me some soup?" "Can you run a bath for me?" "Can you rub my back?" And what happens when I'm sick? "Why isn't supper ready," or my favorite, "will you have time to get the laundry done?" Sure as soon as I remove my foot from your butt!
This is off the subject but I've been reading this blog. Her and her husband adopted 2 children and she homeschools them. I thought maybe you might like to read her blog. I'll give her your's too, I hope that's okay!
I am no help here. My husband is a crabby, mopey, baby when he gets sick. He needs to sleep all the time and can do nothing else. NO I am not bitter at all.
Mine lies around being sick. I whine and complain with every little thing. The Hunny keeps it all in for when he's really sick. Then I have to wait on him hand and foot (I enjoy that part - it's the mom in me). I suspect he's enjoying the royal treatment, vs. his mom who treated all illnesses like something minor. So I baby him.
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