Oh, how I love snow on green trees. Did I ever mention that I grew up near Lake Tahoe? That may be my definition of paradise. It really is beautiful there. The water is crystal clear and the pine trees almost have a coconut/pine essence that mingles with the mountain air. In the summer the air is hot and the lake is cold with sky scraping pine tree surrounding you. But the winters........oh the winters. The snow all over those pine tree over looking that blue lake is breath taking.
This is the snow that fell on Sunday. Not too much.

Just enough snow to get the Wild Child all excited about snowmen and lobbing snow balls at her dad. You notice the flip-flops on the deck covered with snow? Yep, I think, most of us were still in summer mode when this storm said, "Hello.........You are not in Arizona anymore." I know, I know, we have been here a little over a year and half, but I still haven't adjusted back to having so many weather variations.
Oh hey, did you also notice the size of this deck? Can you really call this a deck? The builder we bought this house from calls it one, but I'm thinking that may not be the right word. I think we will put a real deck out there sometime next year.
I can't believe that. You have snow!?!
We are having Indian summer here.
You have snow! We are having 35 degrees C out here - summer is just kicking in!
I am TOTALLY ready for snow.
Three words: I'M SO JEALOUS.
Yes, 85 degrees a week and a half ago and no wonder snow was surprising this week! Speaking of not in AZ anymore, I kept thinking to myself, "You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy" as I looked out at this weather!
Burrrr! Pretty trees though.
if snow is so pretty, why do i hate the cold soooo much?? crazy!
I kow I was still in summer mode!
Better you than me! There is not much about winter that agrees with me.
It was 35 degrees out this morning with ice on the windshield and I was wearing capris still... And all my jackets are where?
Holy moly! It's been in the mid-80s all week here in TN! But starting tomorrow it should be in the low to mid-70s.
We don't get much snow here... my oldest daughter who is 7 has only seen snow twice... the 5 yr old has only seen it once. Maybe we'll get some this year?!!??
Are you serious? Snow! I am not ready for these thoughts :-)
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