You all know about how the Olympic sport went at our house, right? Well, that has had some ramifications I was not expecting. A few days ago, the Rocket Scientist steps out into the backyard to call the Wild Child and the Little Jamaican in for dinner. He finds two little girls who are butt naked. Yes, just from the waste down. So, we have a brief talk about why we don't take our clothes off outside. So, dumbly, I'm thinking problem fixed. That is until I walk into the back yard the other day to find the Little Jamaican "squatting" on the lawn so to say. She argues that it is OK since the dogs do it and so does My Son. Yeah.......that's the kind of logic I'm getting from a 4 year old. I might be in trouble there.
Because of this particular situation, I have been trying to convince My Son that he needs to come in the house to go "potty." Friday morning all the Sea Monkeys were up really early. Like, I wasn't out to bed yet, early. So like any good mom of young children, I start to tell everyone to go "potty." As I am laying bed I can hear someone relieving themselves in the bathroom down the hall. Somehow it sort of sounds like My Son, but not quite right. A few minutes later I walk down the hall, because the 1st One is claiming that the floor is wet outside the laundry room. Now I'm thinking something has gone wrong with the washing machine and it must have flooded. I'm starting to worry about water damage until I see the wet floor. Clearly, someone with male plumbing has used my carpet like he uses the grass in the back yard. I know that there are dad's out there who think that it is all cool to use the back yard as a loo, but not for this house. Nope............we apparently don't clearly see the difference between grass and carpet. We are a toilet only family.
2 days ago
Oh my. My boys used to use the fence as a potty, but the Hunny put the kibosh on it. Now I know why.
I just prety much LOVE every single thing invloved with kids and the bathroom (or lack thereof) -- diapers, constipation, diarhea, potty training, accidents, going the bathroom outside even at RECESS (as my kindergartner once did). It is jsut a really pleasant part of parenting, isn't it?! :) Good luck with your little man. At least you are half way winning the battle -- your laughing at it (or at least letting those of us who don't have to deal with it ourselves have a chuckle -- but take heart, it is a sympathy chuckle!)
wow that is quite the issue. I am glad that I don't have than one but the babies are still young yet.
Boys are all kinds of fun, aren't they? I have to laugh, but only because we've got a few.
Good thing we live in the country cause my husband pees off the porch every morning. He's "saving water." I'm rolling my eyes!!!
Our son was quite impressed when he got the hang of peeing standing up. And it was always objects, not the toilet. It got to the point where we would ask if he needed to pee and he'd say he wanted to wait until he got outside. Eventually we had to lay down the "Toilets oonly" rule.
I have a secret mission for you but I can't find your e-mail address. Would you please send me an e-mail (my address is in my profile) so I can explain?
I'm really not laughing at you...but that's just too funny! And she's right...if it's good enough for the boy....
Cute post!
At least when you're potty training a younger sister you don't have to explain to her that she can't stand up to go potty.
Oh man!
Oh my, I have absolutely no advice. I wonder if that spray that you use for dogs will work? Just kidding!
LOL! Our problem here is that the little man doesn't want to take the time to go so he bounces around until he is to a point he can't take it anymore and then lets as little out as possible so he can get back to what he was doing... Because of that, at the age of 8, we still have accidents. (Darn that ADHD.)
Atleast it isn't like one of my friends whose little boys used the heater vents... ;)
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