When we get there, I go over the the oiled bronze, wrought iron and/or brown fixtures since that is what everything else in the house is. The Wild Child tells me she does not like these lights because they look old and broken to her. So I ask her what she does like. She shows me this and others like it:

Though I think this light is gorgeous, it is just not going to work in my kitchen eating space.
There was much debate over three different lights that I liked. I let the Wild Child give her input as to which one she liked and why. This the is the one we chose:
The Wild Child liked it because of the "pineapple." When we get home later that night, I tell the Rocket Scientist that I bought the new light and needed him to install it. Then the Wild Child proceeds to tell her dad, "We bought the one with pineapple on it that looks like a disco ball." Anyone feel like dancing?
Oh I would have felt so much more like dancing had you purchased the glittering sparkling prismy first option.
I like the pineapple...very appropriate for the kitchen.
I think the chandeliers all look the same when your kids are swinging from them! Which one is the most sturdy?
I feel like dancing!
Personally I prefer the first one, it's beautiful!
I have to agree with the Wild Child's choice - fairy stuff! But I also like the pineappels. So, shall we put ABBA on the player and dance?
I always feel like dancing. Wild Child sounds like someone with her own sense of rhythm. Let's dance!
Too funny. Maybe I should take her with me to pick out landscaping stones.
Oh that is too funny. I like the light but I do see her point.
Think what fun dining would be the glittery chandelier the Wild Child chose!!
By the way, Krista, your comment cracked me up! That was a very good question!!!
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