I first have to say thank you to you all for your words of encouragement. It means more to me than I am able to express.
I was under the impression that the Rocket Scientist was on the same page as me. Now I am wondering how I could have mistaken being male with being on board. I have a cold. It isn't horrid, but it's not comfortable and well I did manage to ovulate all on my own this month. Naturally, we "tried" to get "knocked up." This brings me to, I want to take some medicine for this said cold, but won't risk it on the off chance we actually succeeded. We won't really know for about another week. I am really not counting on succeeding already, but I am not willing to play "Russian Roulette" either. So I am lamenting this dilemma to the Rocket Scientist, which really isn't a dilemma, I already know I am not going to take anything. I just wanted someone to agree with me. Being that he is a "Rocket Scientist" and not a "Woman Scientist" and certainly not an "engineer," this is what he says to me. "Or you can quit trying to get pregnant." (You know I had finally quit being mad 'til I just typed it. ARGH!) Clearly, I mis-read his cooperation in this little exercise.
As my editor was "editing," he mentions that I took the quote out of context. He said he was merely pointing out that everything is a trade off. (My poor keyboard was taking some abuse.) I'll let him off the hook this time.......next time though, I would remind you that you are dealing with a woman with fluctuating hormones. There is no telling how I will take such obvious, logical information.
I love you, RS. Always.....
2 days ago
You know, you might just get lucky first time around. Take a bit of paracetamol - it's safe and you will feel a bit better.
You know I love you both. But I have to tell you, when it comes to these particular issues (hormones, misreadings, and women vs. men), I will always take your side. ;)
Sorry RS!
Men...my husband has the same problem. Instead of being empathic, he tries to fix everything (ie trade off) when I'd rather just have him hug me and give me a kiss and tell me everything's going to be alright even if I don't think so. Oh and breakfast in bed and massages help too.
For the cold, eucalyptus or Vicks or something similar. Also, you can lay on your back and while using a dropper, place a few drops of water or saline water in your nose. Relax and allow it to run down the back of your nose and into your throat. That usually helps if I am really stuffed up.
You want me to come and rough him up a bit? :) Cause I will! Not this weekend though since I'm going to the game, but maybe next week.
I hope you get feeling better!
Holy comments batman!
I never tried to get pregnant. Which means I never knew I was pregnant until I was already 5-6 weeks which means I'm sure I took medications in the early stages of pregnancy and all my kids turned out normal.
Too bad you don't live closer. I'd hook you up with essential oils to make you feel better.
Hey! You're supposed to call ME for the cheese! I agree with cat - Tylenol is safe. But did you know your sinuses can play up when you're pregnant? I won't explain here though.
My friend and I were recently talking about how involved with technology our daily lives have become. Reading this post makes me think back to that discussion we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further advances, the possibility of copying our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could experience in my lifetime.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://crystalguo.vox.com/library/post/how-does-the-r4i-or-r4-work.html]R4 Card[/url] DS rrPost)
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