Monday, September 15, 2008

Have you seen this?

If you have already seen this, sorry. If you haven' worth the time. I laughed and laughed and laughed and then thought, I agree.


Krista said...

That was good! Loved it! In some countries (like Oz) it is mandatory to vote, which isn't the best idea because you have people that don't get informed on the issues and candidates and they just tick a box - or impregnate a chad or something. I can't wait til the elections are over!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought this was pretty funny and true. If you want the families left out of it then don't have them with you on the platform!!!!

Flea said...

That was great! I'm stealing it and posting it tomorrow. :)

Karen said...

Flea- Please do. I will come watch it at your site too.

orangemily said...


Stacy said...

I'm stealing this one too!