I was raised to not interrupt people. This has served me well most of my life. There is the occasional time it is absolutely necessary to interrupt in a heated debate. Rarely do I do it. I have many people in my life that were raised with a different set of values on this topic. There are people I love dearly that are either too distracted by things they have to take care of or those that are just distracted by the thoughts in their head that seem to not notice when I'm talking. They just start talking like they didn't know there were words coming out of my mouth. I use to be really offended or hurt by this. Not anymore, I realize it is just their set of values and I am OK with them they way they are. Besides all of that, I may be one of those people and not realize it.
However, there are those times that I really just want to tell a story or have an opinion heard on something. These are the times that this situation is the most difficult for me. I will be mid-thought in a conversation I am having with someone, when they will start talking while I'm talking. This tends to frustrate me.
Blogging has become the place I can finish some of those thoughts. The best part about it......If you are tired of hearing me ramble.......You can navigate your browser to somebody else and I get to finish my thought. See, it's win/win for everybody.
2 days ago
I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing with us.
I have some loud talkers in my famly, and I'm the more quiet one. It's hard to be heard.
My hubby's family is full of loud talkers as well, and once again, I"m the quiet one.
You're right, blogging is a good place for us quiet ones. We can be HEARD. Nice post!
I am right there with you!
I had never though of it that way, sweet!
Thanks for stopping by when you can. And I'm glad I "narrate" my pics in a way you enjoy. I just can't believe some of the crap that's out there!
Hallie :)
i'm probably one of those people who interrupts you. i'm so terrible about that, and I always feel bad about it later. sorry in advance for all the times i have or will cut you off mid-sentence. still friends?
hey wait I need to tell you something!!! jk I was taught to interrupt people and be a know it all and i hate that about myself and luckily my husband reminds me not to do it but it was sort of ingrained as debate was valued. When my kids do it..I hate it too but I taught them too!
I'm so glad you have a venue for finishing your thoughts. I'm an interrupter. But I'm aware of it and try REALLY HARD not to do it. I know it's rude, inconsiderate and disrespectful. Drives me nuts. You are respected here!
so funny...i have a friend who always finishes my thought or interrupts. my grandma would talk over you if she had something to say.
so...double posting here, but there's a little something for you on my blog!!!
You wouldn't be talking about me would you? Ha! We're always saying, "Sorry, go ahead." I was mentally interrupting the whole time I was reading your blog, but now I forgot what I was going to say.
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