I was tagged by the Oysterblogger to tell 7 weird or random facts about me. I may have done this one before, but honestly I can't remember. I'm sure there are plenty of things weird about me, so hopefully you all won't think....."I think I have heard this before."
1. I want a minimum of 6 kids. The RS says we are done.
2. I was in the "band" in high school
3. I know from first hand experience you should never shave your legs and swim it the Great Salt Lake on the same day. (Ouch!)
4. I gave the RS an ultimatum when we were dating to ask me to marry him by New Years or I was out of there. (I know, a bit bratty.)
5. My favorite car was a Toyota Tercel. (I could park that thing anywhere!)
6. I love model homes!!!!
7. Dusting is something rarely done in my house. (I tease that it is against my religion.)
All right, time for me to tag a few of you and since I can't remember who has done this and who hasn't........if you haven't consider yourself tagged.
2 days ago
Char-lie! I felt the same way about the video the first time I watched it. My kids LOVE it. They quote it all the time. My favorite is when they say, "Shawn, the Unbeliever!" I've grown tired of explaining.
Those are great! I don't dust either, until I have to! How long were you dating when you gave him the ultimatum? Just curious!
I am so with you on the dusting thing.
what a fun list! thanks for sharing!
Flea- You don't have to explain yourself to me. Remember I'm a Napolian Dyanamite fan. :)
Dawn- We had been dating for 8 months or so. There is more to that story, but not enough room here.
I don't believe in dusting either!
TNT has so many racing trophy's and they are a pain in the butt to dust. So I only dust twice a year. The last time was in April before the wedding! oops!
But I sweep and mop every week. I can only be expected to do so much! :)
super fun...and from experience, sometimes hubby thinks ur done and then, well, ur not...adoptions and prego's happen like that for us! crazy!
See, that is more like it -- af ew more posts that tell us about you. I mean who knew that you were a band girl!
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