Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Did you ever do this?

I had forgotten about this until my darling children reminded me how good this use to feel. Did you ever play in the wading pool and get so cold that laying on the HOT cement felt like heaven?


orangemily said...

Yes! We even liked to lick the wet cement, ewww!

Anonymous said...

YES! i loved doing that. and still do. especially on vacation. although now that i'm older, i don't lay on the concrete...i lay on a lawn chair, without towel drying and let the heat evaporate the water off my skin, for that warm,toasty dry feeling :)

great picture!

Salty Incisor said...

hey sorry I have been out of it. A psycho neighbor is harassing me but I CANT really post it on my blog.
I will try to get caught up

Squirty Wart said...

Ahh, yes! I love that feeling. It is so cool that thinking about it, I can remember very vividly what that felt like. Someday I hope to loose enough weight to be able to do that on a beach and lay on the hot sand to warm up. Maybe in the Bahamas. :) Wanna come?

Anonymous said...

Who are the three white kids? What are they doing to my driveway?

Trooper Thorn said...

Holy smokes. That's a blast from the past. We haven't had pavement for the kids to do that, but I remember it. Now they lie on the black bed of the trampoline to warm up after an afternoon of homemade tarpaulin and dish soap slip-n-sliding.

Thanks for your comments on mom insulting text messages.